W e ' r e m o r e t h a n j u s t a C h u r c h . . . W e ' r e a F A M I L Y !
Member Services (local):
This section is for current members of Family Harvest Church to make adjustments to their membership information (such as mailing address, email address, phone numbers, etc.). Just click on which changes you would like to make and follow the instructions!
If you are a member of Family Harvest Church and are ready to step up to the
challenge of becoming an integral part of the ministry, volunteer to serve in an
area of your choice, using the online form here.
We ask all the members and friends of Family Harvest Church to please help
us keep up-to-date on your mailing information to ensure that you are receiving
the latest news and information from FHC.
Currently, Pastor Carter is only available to perform wedding ceremonies and
funeral services for members of Family Harvest Church.
More Membership Center materials will be available online in the near future. Check back again soon for the latest...
Copyright © Pastor Chad Carter • Family Harvest Church Global Ministries
P.O. Box 512
Salem, IN 47167