W e ' r e   m o r e   t h a n   j u s t   a   C h u r c h . . .   W e ' r e   a   F A M I L Y !
Pastor Carter addresses Questions on

Is it possible to be a Christian and believe that homosexuals have the same rights of ever other sinner in America?

That depends on what kind of "rights" you're referring to.  If you're speaking of the same general rights and privileges that we all enjoy as Americans, you are correct. Homosexuals should not be demeaned or deprived their basic human rights, or their rights as an American citizen, simply because they are homosexuals.

But, if by "the same rights of every other sinner in America" you may be referring to the 'right' of marriage, I would certainly take issue with that. Obviously this is a 'right' that homosexuals should absolutely not be granted. The 'right' of one person to marry another person of the same sex is not a 'right' at all; it is a perversion. God set the standard for marriage from the very onset of creation and we have not the right to change it in any way, shape or form.

Now in that light, is it possible to be a Christian and believe that homosexuals should be granted the same right of marriage? For a person to willingly endorse what God forbids, to call good and acceptable that which God has called evil, is not something a true Christian would do.

Are we to love the homosexual and treat them the same as all others? ...Absolutely!  Are we to let them demand equality simply because of our love and tolerance? ...Let them demand away! Are we to let them have their way, or let them have what they call "equality?" ...Only if it lines up with the Word of the Lord.

Are we to grant equality of marriage to homosexuals simply for equality sake? Absolutely not. Why? This was answered above. God set the standard for marriage in the beginning. Anything else should not be acceptable to a person who claims Christ as Lord. Endorse actions, lifestyles and relationships that are contrary to the established Word of the very Lord we say we serve? That would not be in the mind or heart of a follower of Christ. He is not really "Lord" to us if we do not accept His Lordship and Sovereignty.


In regards to homosexual marriage, when did marriage become a Christian-only practice?

The marriage covenant between a man and a woman is certainly pre-Christian. But it's origin is in God. Its purpose, in part, is to demonstrate and represent the love our Father has for us and our spiritual relationship to Him. Jesus even confirmed that a marriage between one man and one woman, for life, was the Father's original plan and intent from the beginning. Anything else is a perversion of the real thing.


The percentage of homosexuals getting married, compared to the percentage of just "lost" people getting married, is probably less than 1%. How can you deny the right to just less than 1%?

Very simply.  It's not a sinner -vs- saint thing. It's a matter of truth from the beginning.  One man. One woman. God's original design for all, regardless of your spiritual standing or sexual preference.


I think we should be fair and just to everyone.  I can agree to let homosexuals get married even if if I don't personally agree with the practice of homosexual marriage.

Being fair and just toward them is to tell them the truth in love. ...which is that God loves them and doesn't want them to destroy themselves and others. To allow them to continue a homosexual relationship/"marriage" until they hopefully see the truth is just letting them continue in something that is going to hurt them, and others, even more in the future, even though we hope they will see the light and come out of that lifestyle of abomination.

That's like telling an addict to go on his crack-binge all he wants... doping up several times a day if he wants, until, hopefully, he finds the Lord. Whether he finds the Lord or not, it's not healthy or acceptable to continue destroying his body. Is it his choice? Yes. Is it the right one? Of course not. Should we say, "it's your choice, do what you want." Heavens no. We are to do the right thing. We are to do what the Lord expects, and that's to tell them they're killing themselves and others and that what they're doing isn't what God wants for their lives.

Should we make laws that say it is illegal to use crack or other illicit drugs? If we have the opportunity to do so, yes. Should we make laws to prevent other activities that have the potential to harm an individual/individuals, society in general, our nation and our world? Given the opportunity, absolutely.

Should we endorse laws that prevent homosexual marriage? Firstly, we shouldn't have to, because the institution isn't ours to mess with in the first place. God set it up long before we ever came along to have an opinion contrary to His. Secondly, since it is, unfortunately, an issue in our day, God actually requires us to stand up and, wherever we can, have influence in the lawmaking process to see to it that the rule of law reflects that which is righteous in His eyes. We may not make much of a difference alone, but together we are a force to be reckoned with.  I remind you of the 2004 election in which my former state of Ohio, my home-church, World Harvest Church, and pastor, Rod Parsley, actually swung the pendulum and made a difference.  In that case, the outcome was phenomenal and the nation has reaped the benefit of it.  However, even if the outcome isn't what we want or hope, we are still required to stand. Not just tuck our tale and roll with whatever comes.


I still haven't settled how I feel on the subject of homosexuality.  What should I do?

Continue to pray about it and let God make up your mind for you. If we're saved, we don't have an opinion in the matter anyway. We're called to reflect what God says on the thing, not what we think. Seek the Scripture for direction about sexuality and the original creative plan of God.


I think it is wrong to "just pick on the gays" as so many "Christian" groups do.

I agree with you whole-heartedly that it's wrong to pick on gays. We should not pick on them. We should love them, pray for them, open our arms to them, and lead them, through the convicting and delivering power of the Holy Spirit, out of their lifestyle of deceit and corruption and into the abundant lifestyle of wholeness and victory that God created them to have... same as we should for all sinners.


If there was an end-all governing power that would not let any two sinners get married, then I think there would be ALOT of couples non-existent right now.

...Again, the issue of marriage is not a matter dependent on whether a person is a saint or a sinner. It's a matter of God's original design. The first two God "married" into one unit sinned against Him as well, yet they were still married. The marriage covenant transcends spiritual standing, for it was God's rule for all from the very beginning with the union of the first man and woman in the Garden, and Jesus confirmed its accuracy and validity.

Contact FHC with your questions and Pastor Carter will answer them here.

Copyright © Pastor Chad Carter • Family Harvest Church Global Ministries

P.O. Box 512
Salem, IN 47167