So, you choose to opt out?

The decision is certainly yours, but please keep a few things
in mind if you're sure you've made your decision...

Jesus loves you more than you'll ever know.  Even if you were to accept Him and develop a relationship with Him, you would only begin to understand His love for you.

The Bible says that the greatest love of all is when a man is willing to lay down his life for his friends... that is exactly what Jesus did for us. Knowing full well that we were born sinners and would commit sins against Him, He still considered us his friends and loved us enough to be willing to sacrifice His own life to forgive us.

He loved us... He loved YOU enough to lay down His life so that you could experience yours to the fullest - so that you wouldn't have to be condemned forever... so that you would be able to spend eternity in Heaven with Him. There's no other reason He even came to Earth... just for you. No price can be put on your worth to Him. He loves you more than anything... He loved you more than His own life.

Please understand that your life on this planet is only a vapor in comparison to eternity. Your life is merely a particle of sand on the vast seashore of creation. Your life as you know it now is only the entrance to the rest of your eternity. Jesus said that "tomorrow is promised to no one;  today is the day of salvation!"  What if you have already opened your eyes to the morning light for the last time? What if you pillow your head tonight and draw your last breath and slip into eternity? What if the life you lived today was your last? Would you be satisfied? Are you confident that you've made all the right choices for your soul's eternal destiny?

Do you realize that you truly are immortal?  Do you understand that your life is not this physical body that you walk, talk, and operate in daily? The body you see in the mirror is merely a temporal housing for the real you. Inside your body is your spirit. It is immortal. It is the part of you that was created in the image of God. It...the real you...will live forever somewhere. ...And there are only two choices - either you will live forever in the pavilions of Heaven (by accepting the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ), or you will dwell forever in the torturous flames of Hell, forever the prey of Satan and his demonic angels (by refusing to accept Jesus' gift of forgiveness).

Yes, the choice is yours....
But are you sure you've made the right one? 

Right now, you've come to a crossroads -- you have a decision to make. You have a Heaven and a Hell to choose from and your soul hangs in the balance. Eternity is not a game to be played. It's not something you want to jeopardize. The eternal destination of your soul is too important! No one else can make this decision for you - you have to make it yourself. Don't go to hell for anyone; not even for your own reluctance to accept the free gift of Eternal Life.

After today, God's obligations to you are complete.  He no longer has any responsibility to you. After this day, He never again is obligated to provide you with an opportunity to accept His Son's free gift of salvation. God is a God of love, mercy, and grace, and perhaps you will have many more chances to accept Him. ...But what if you don't? What if this is your last chance and God's obligations to you are complete? What if your chances are gone and your next breath is your last? Is your soul's eternity something you really want to bargain with?

The decision is yours, and I pray you make the right one today!

In the Love of Christ,
Pastor Chad Carter

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