Greetings to all my pastoral acquaintances, and especially all my fellow World Harvest Ministerial Alliance colleagues and friends.
For the longest time now, I've felt the need to break out of the box and take the spirit of Revival that is regular occurrence here in Family Harvest Church, out beyond the walls of our sanctuary.
I believe there are many of you who, like me, feel there is such a desperate need for a renewal and refreshing of the Spirit of God to come upon our churches. We know that what we've experienced thus far is nothing compared to what God has in store for us. We sense unrest in the Spirit and can discern that revival is just ahead. I believe there are many of you who feel that overwhelming need for Revival once again, and who desire to see souls saved, delivered and healed in this day and hour.
Here at FHC, the Gifts and manifestations of the Holy Ghost have been glorious! Just to give you a taste of some of the things we've seen in recent months here in the altar of FHC... We've seen cancer supernaturally healed, diseases driven away, drug and alcohol addictions broken, cigarettes smashed on the altar, offerings to the tune of thousands have been layed on the altar, alcoholics have been slain in the Spirit and filled with the Holy Ghost! ...They've gone down drunk, and came back up speaking in tongues! It's been the Lord's doing, and it's marvelous in our eyes! I praise Him for His continual working among us, and that's just the start of it all.
In the midst of this move of God, I can no longer hold off what I feel in my spirit. I believe God is calling me to "GO" beyond the walls of FHC and partner with you to bring revival to your church and congregation.
Being a pastor, I know and identify with much of your concerns as a shepherd who loves his sheep. I understand the times of desperation when you are seeking God for something to change - anything to change! I understand the hunger and thirst for something more than you've seen so far, and can identify with the hours spent in prayer and preparation for the move of God you are believing to hit at any moment now.
Well, pastors, I want to partner with you in that endeavor. I want to come and lift your arms, supporting you and the vision of your local church, as well as see a heaven-sent spirit of revival come upon your people in an unprecedented way!
Would you pray about allowing me the privilege of coming to support you and your church through a very special "Catch the Fire" Holy Ghost Revival Service during your mid-week service? If you desire, I welcome the opportunity to minister more than one night - perhaps a two or three night Revival Crusade in conjunction with your mid-week service!
Another thing I understand, being a pastor, is the logistical concerns of having such meetings. Well, I want to take the pressure off you! I am asking to come and be a participant in revival hitting your church... but I'm not asking you to pay my way! I'll gladly pay my own expenses -- food, fuel, and even my own hotel costs if need be -- and I'll trust God to take care of everything through the love offerings that come in during the meetings. All you have to do is recognize this opportunity for Revival and secure a date with me. Won't you pray about it today?
I also believe there are some of you who may not necessarily need to pray about this partnership for Revival, for you sense a divine confirmation in your spirit even now. I would ask you who feel such to please contact me right away and let's ride this wave of the Spirit together. Let's get a date secured and begin praying and fasting for revival fires to burn.
The calendar you see in this section will be updated periodically to reflect all secured dates, so dates that appear available may already be secured. Please contact me soon, and we'll get it all worked out!
God has brought us into a season of Revival Fires, and I am committed to partnering with you to see those fires burning brightly in your church, congregation and city! I look forward to speaking with you soon!
Yours for Revival,
Pastor Chad Carter
Family Harvest Church
Copyright © Pastor Chad Carter • Family Harvest Church Global Ministries