W e ' r e   m o r e   t h a n   j u s t   a   C h u r c h . . .   W e ' r e   a   F A M I L Y !
P.O. Box 512
Salem, IN 47167

Copyright © Pastor Chad Carter • Family Harvest Church Global Ministries

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Arise & Shine:
It's Time to Hit the Lights

The Bible tells us of a time when destructive darkness will cover the people of the earth.  But in that time of moral decadence and social destruction, God has given His children the promise of divine light - revelation, understanding, salvation, healing, financial provision and so much more!

In this 4-DVD Series, Pastor Chad Carter encourages you to jump into the river of revival and believe God for complete restoration of the years the enemy has stolen from your family - years of joy, peace, happiness and household salvation.

Shout and celebrate in this prophetic call for a heaven-sent revival to sweep our homes and communities with a supernatural anointing - complete with signs, wonders, gifts and manifestations of the Spirit of God.  Rejoice in the knowledge that God has commissioned you to be His instrument of communication in the earth, and take your rightful place in the plan of God for this generation.

Disc 1:  The Appointed Time To Arise & Shine
Disc 2:  The Sign of Revival & Restoration
Disc 3:  Light In Your Dwelling
Disc 4:  Hit the Lights!