W e ' r e m o r e t h a n j u s t a C h u r c h . . . W e ' r e a F A M I L Y !
P.O. Box 512
Salem, IN 47167
Copyright © Pastor Chad Carter • Family Harvest Church Global Ministries
Shaping Your Future
Disc One: Seasons of Spinning
In this closed-session studio teaching, Pastor Carter addresses those times in your life when you feel broken and shattered. When restlessness and unease grip your heart and everything seems to be spinning out of control, it is then that you must realize you are right where God wants you! Learn from this valuable teaching session how to perceive your seasons of spinning.
Disc Two: Shaping Your Future
In this service recorded live from the santuary of Family Harvest Church, Pastor Carter shares how God is molding and shaping your life for His specific plan and purpose. This message will help you realize that the present pressure on your life now is nothing but a Holy Ghost set-up for a change that is long overdue. If you want your future to be different than your today, then this message will be sure to be a blessing.